2018 Annual Report published

14 May 2019
2018 Annual Report published

As part of the Arteche Group’s commitment to transparency, we are making public our 2018 Annual Report. This report describes the organization’s most notable and emblematic activities throughout the year.

Arteche grows above the sector average thanks to our closeness with our clients

In 2018, the Arteche Group grew 8% in sales in comparison to the previous year, with double digit growth in the new products area. This translates to the fact that some 10.5% of the renewable energy installed around the world over the year has interconnected with the grid using our equipment.

In addition to being trusted by large-scale clients that have installed our equipment in over 150 countries, and the trust of 90% utilities around the world, in 2018 we gained the trust of over 500 new clients.

We do not face the challenges of innovation alone, we do so in collaboration with universities, research centers, clients, and suppliers

Arteche has dedicated more than 160,000 hours to Research, investing more than 3% of the Group's sales. Our intense and sustained dedication to Innovation is reflected in the fact that more than 80% of Arteche sales is generated in equipment updated over the past three years. Arteche has not acted alone in developing these endeavors: of the 100 Innovation projects carried out over the year, almost half have been executed in collaboration with third parties.

Continuous improvement is a daily activity that allows us to progress alongside our clients

The Arteche Group has increased its production capacity by 25%, having manufactured more than 4,000,000 equipments in 2018.

In addition to the continuous improvement of our facilities, we are also dedicated to continuously improving our processes, thereby reducing our electricity use and the amount of waste we generate.

A year of change in order to remain a company where skills are acquired and developed

2018 has been a year of growth for Arteche and for the more than 1,600 people that make up the Group. With the goal of continued growth, our team has received more than 30,200 training hours.

You can find detailed information about this and other milestones in our Annual Report.