High Voltage asset management: an opportunity for new innovative and intelligent solutions

21 Mar 2022
We participated in the hackathon 2022 -Weetbe, innovating in the Asset Management of the High Voltage Power Grid
High Voltage asset management: an opportunity for new innovative and intelligent solutions

Arteche offers a wide range of products and solutions covering the entire value chain of the high voltage power grid and it is also a world leader in the market of instrument transformers up to 800kV. 

The electricity sector is currently undergoing a transformation due to the electrification of society, the decarbonization of the economy, the decentralization of electricity generation and consumption, and digitalization. We are going through a digital and green Energy Transition that affects the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity. 

In this context, electric utilities are increasingly aware of the importance of preventive maintenance of their assets. Until now, maintenance was passive: an asset was maintained until it reached its useful life, at which point it was, ideally, replaced. However, good asset management makes it possible to optimize the investment in a facility by maintaining its performance and reducing its cost, thus helping electric utilities in the management and planning of their investments and optimizing their capex and opex. 

By means of the application of technology as an enabler, at Arteche we promote the development of innovative and increasingly sustainable solutions that allow us to successfully address the new electrical transformations. 

As part of our commitment to R&D&I, we participated in the Hackaton 2022 -Weetbe, together with the entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem, among other dynamics of Open and Collaborative Innovation, where we promote the realization of collective experiences to create value together.

With the aim of solving the energy, technological and innovative, and socio-economic challenges of our customers, and driven by the development of new disruptive and digital technologies—such as remote monitoring, digital twins, IoT, Cybersecurity or Artificial Intelligence—we continue improving in the development of asset management along the value chain of the power grid, both in existing and new facilities.