Arteche dresses in pink to support the fight against breast cancer

2 Nov 2020
By implementing this type of initiative, Arteche wants to show its commitment to the health, well-being, and equal opportunities of people who are part of our teams, that is, our most important value
Arteche dresses in pink to support the fight against breast cancer

At the initiative of the World Health Organization, the International Day against Breast Cancer is celebrated worldwide on October 19 to raise awareness and promote access to adequate and effective screening, diagnosis, and treatments for women

Arteche wants to participate actively in raising awareness on the prevention of breast cancer. Therefore, to support all the brave women that are still fighting for life, "we have joined the pink day" in different ways and parts of the world where Arteche operates.
Our coworkers from Mexico spread the message of solidarity throughout different facilities of the plant located in Tepeji. Besides, some prevention tips were visually explained.

In another EMEA plant located in Mungia, the Occupational Risk Prevention Area, together with the collaboration of the Equality Commission, held several open information sessions from a gender perspective for the entire staff. The Medical Service Area gave an information session that was attended by 30 people in person and through a streaming connection.

Finally, our production plant in Brazil has joined the Pink Day and, as a sign of solidarity, our coworkers have dressed in this color for a day.

By implementing this type of initiative, Arteche wants to show its commitment to the health, well-being, and equal opportunities of people who are part of our teams, that is, our most important value.

Arteche se viste de rosa Arteche se viste de rosa
Arteche se viste de rosa Arteche se viste de rosa
Arteche se viste de rosa Arteche se viste de rosa